7 reasons why your website isn’t making money

Having an online presence isn't enough

You’ve got a great looking website that’s fast to load and mobile responsive. Your site should be generating lots of traffic and converting visitors into buyers, but it’s not. What went wrong?

Potential customers that find your website are likely to bounce if they don't find what they're looking for immediately. People have time limitations and are in a hurry. They won't waste time on a website that doesn't interest them. Just because you built it, doesn't mean they'll convert.

Building a highly converting website isn't about you, it's about your customers. Take a close look at your website through the eyes of your target audience. Does the content match the keywords that you expect them to search for? Do you have a compelling offer? Is the information interesting enough to keep them on page long enough to reach your call to action?

Here are several things to look for when searching for reasons why your website isn't making money.

1. The above the fold content isn’t compelling

Make your website conducive to growth by helping visitors make an informed decision. The area above the fold, within the browser window viewing area, is prime real estate and you can’t afford to waste it. First time visitors will only spend a few seconds making sure they can get the information they need from your site before they leave. The top section of your page needs to quickly engage them and keep their interest. 

Often called the page Header or Hero section, the area above the fold needs to contain:

  • Keyword focused H1 heading with a clear and concise message highlighting your main offer. It should be simple and no more than 7-10 words maximum.
  • Subheading that supports and further explains the H1.
  • Call to Action that clearly states the next step you want your visitors to take.
  • A compelling Image, graphic element or video that supports the H1 and can be tagged with relevant keywords.
  • Social proof - partner logos that establish credibility.

2. Visitors aren’t enticed to scroll down 

If the user doesn’t interact with the Header CTA, then they probably need more information before committing, so they need a reason to keep scrolling. The social proof area or a hint of the next section below it can catch their eye and reinforce that there is more information after the Header, which will compel users to scroll further down the page.

3. The UX is confusing

Keep the User Experience (UX) simple so that users can easily follow through with the action you want them to take, whether it’s signing up for a trial product offer, purchasing a subscription, or joining a membership.
Make sure the content is targeted to them and the keywords they searched for and the questions they want answered. Focus more on your visitors and less about you except when you are providing relevant information.
Your site should be engaging, but too many animations can distract users from the actions you want them to perform or confuse them and drive them away. Limit motion to what you want to draw their attention to and be aware that some repeated animations can cause vertigo and other motion related sensitivity issues.

4. You didn’t provide the information they were looking for

Key sections that you should consider including are:

  • A “what we do” feature section explaining the benefits of your product or service.
  • A “who we are” section that provides information about your business. The brand story, mission, or brand values.
  • More social proof, such as reviews or testimonials to build trust.
  • A secondary CTA so they don’t have to scroll back to the top of the page to interact.
  • An FAQ section that answers common questions and handles objections to your product or service.
  • Resources that add value, such as blog articles or a free eBook.

5. You don’t know what you don’t know

You need to be able to make informed data driven decisions, so be sure to connect tracking analytics at the bare minimum. (You can go further by adding on page tools for collecting heat maps and click-through information. -reword) so you know how people are interacting with your site and what they are clicking on. (GTM, Hotjar, Microsoft Clarity)

6. The navigation is hidden or too complex

Simplify navigation as much as possible and keep the main menu items at the first tier level and not hidden. 3-5 main links to the most important pages. Use dropdown menus to show hierarchy and provide links to deeper pages. More links for less important pages can be included in the footer.

7. Your branding is inconsistent

Be consistent with branding. Use your brand color palette, voice,  and typography throughout your site. This ties everything together in a focused and coherent message, and increases trust. 
Your typography should be limited to 1-2 font families and 2-3 font weights. Brand colors should be limited to a primary and secondary brand color, and possibly a third for accents or highlights. The content should reflect your brand tone and voice.

Once you know the reason why your website isn't making money, you can take action

Define key user conversions and set goals. A conversion refers to user actions that bring them closer to becoming paying customers. In eCommerce, it refers to purchases, while in SaaS, it includes trial signups, such as lead magnet signups or webinar registrations. Which of the 7 reasons is holding your site back from reaching those customers? Being consistent with your branding and messaging can fix a host of issues that can drive potential customers away.

If you’re ready to make your website more conducive to growth, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us to discuss your project today.

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